
157 – 168 products of 505 products

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Sterling Silver Candy Cane Stud Earrings


Love Heart Detail.

Candy Cane Studs.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

Sterling Silver Christmas Present Stud Earrings


Peeking Present Design.

Christmas Studs.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

Sterling Silver Holly Stud Earrings


Holly Leaves and Berry Design.

Christmas Studs.


NVJ01010 12

Sterling Silver Twist Hoop Earrings


Sterling silver hinged hoops.

Twist design.

NVJ01010 12

Sterling Silver 30mm Sleeper Hoop Earrings


Sterling silver non-hinged hoops.

Diameter 30mm.

NVJ01010 12

Sterling Silver 38mm Sleeper Hoop Earrings


Sterling silver non-hinged hoops.

Diameter 38mm.

NVJ01010 12

Sterling Silver 20mm Sleeper Hoop Earrings


Sterling silver non-hinged hoops.

Diameter 20mm.

9ct Gold And Opal Studs


9ct Gold.

Genuine Opals.

Birthstone For October.

Blue Jade And Glass Drop Earrings

Handmade Dyed Blue Jade And Glass Drop Earrings


Vivid blue dyed jade.

Sterling silver parts.

Handmade in the UK by Carly Godfrey.  


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