Product Tag: love

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P1504 2

Origins Flattened Heart Ring


A Sterling Silver Flattened Heart Ring.

Sizes I-Q.

Pure Origins by Sea Gems.

A Gift Pouch and Box included.

Origins Silver Infinity Hoops


Sterling Silver.

Infinity Sign.

Stem And Butterfly Fittings.

T S348 63v

Ti2 Titanium S348 Heart Titanium Studs


Pretty Heart Shaped Stud Earrings, together with natural titanium scrolls.

Light, comfortable and hypoallergenic.  

Available in ten colour options.

12V, 16V, 24V, 30V, 40V, 52V, 63V, 72V, 80V and 90V.

Diameter: 6mm. 

Sterling Silver C/Z Claddagh Ring


Sterling Silver

Traditional Claddagh

Yellow Cubic Zirconia

love spoon necklace

Celtic Lands Knot Love Spoon Pendant -9843


A Sterling Silver Welsh Love Spoon Necklace, with a celtic knot design at the top.

Celtic Lands by Sea Gems.

A Gift Pouch and Box included.

Pdt 5181 1

Celtic Lands Heart Love Spoon Pendant -5181


A Sterling Silver Welsh Love Spoon Pendant, with a heart design at the top.

Celtic Lands by Sea Gems.

A Gift Pouch and Box included.

p 11059 P1527

Origins Sterling Silver Three Heart Torque Bangle



Brand: Sea Gems

Product Code: P1527

Metal: Sterling Silver

p 6678 B2 web

Handmade Rose Quartz, Pearl and Semi Precious Bead Bracelet


Handmade by Carly.

Rose Quartz, FW Pearls, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Rock Crystal and Peridot.

Length of 20.5cm (8″).

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