
313 – 324 products of 1177 products

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Origins Whale Fin Drop Earrings


Sterling Silver Whale Fin Drop Earrings

A Gift Pouch and Box is included.

Seahorse Stud Earrings

Sterling Silver Seahorse Stud Earrings


Sterling Silver.

Upright Seahorse Studs.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

Origins Puffin Stud Earrings


Sterling Silver Puffin Studs.

Rose gold details.

Box included.

Origins Puffin Pendant


Sterling Silver Puffin Pendant.

Rose gold details.

Box included.

VPS 2216 12

Sterling Silver Seahorse Pendant



Sterling Silver.

Upright Seahorse Pendant.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

VPS 2216 12

Silver Filigree Dolphin Pendant


Sterling Silver.

Dolphin Pendant.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

Origins Dolphins Pendant


Sterling Silver

Two leaping dolphins..

Box included.


Origins Whale Fin Pendant


Sterling Silver

Whale Fin.

Box included.

Origins Daisy Turquoise Birthstone Pendant


Garnet for January.

Sterling silver.

Box included.

1 2 25 26 27 28 29 98 99
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