Synthetic Opal

25 – 36 products of 163 products

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Sterling Silver Montana Double Square Pendant


Sterling Silver.

Montana blue crystals.

9ct Yellow Gold Shell Stud Earrings


9ct Gold.

Small Shell Studs.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

VPS 2216 12

Sterling Silver Starfish Stud Earrings



Sterling Silver.

Small Starfish Studs.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

VPS 2148 12

Sterling Silver Shell Pendant



Sterling Silver.

Shell Pendant.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

Sterling Silver Seahorse Charm Bead


Sterling silver.

Seahorse Charm.

Box included.

Seahorse Stud Earrings

Sterling Silver Seahorse Stud Earrings


Sterling Silver.

Upright Seahorse Studs.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

VPS 2216 12

Sterling Silver Seahorse Pendant



Sterling Silver.

Upright Seahorse Pendant.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

VPS 2216 12

Silver Filigree Dolphin Pendant


Sterling Silver.

Dolphin Pendant.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

Sterling Silver Amethyst Scalloped Drop Earrings



Sterling Silver.

Amethyst Drop Earrings.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

Sterling Silver and Rose Gold Cubic Zirconia Drop Earrings



Sterling Silver.

Cubic Zirconia Drop Earrings.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

Sterling Silver Chain Drop Earrings



Sterling Silver.

Chain Earrings.

A Gift Pouch and a Box are included.

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